- Stephen A Bennett
- 09746 425 017
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A self shooting observational documentary producer/director making engaging, thought-provoking films about real people, often filming over extended timeframes.
Tattooist’s son: Journey to Auschwitz
‘The thought of having to walk through those gates terrifies me. This is my parents’ history’
In this landmark documentary to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, Gary Sokolov, son of ‘The Tattooist of Auschwitz’ visits the Nazi death camp for the first time.
Keeping It Up: The big story of the little blue pill
25 years ago, Viagra kickstarted the second sexual revolution and a controversy unlike any drug before it. From Wales to New York, this is the big story of the little blue pill that forever changed our world.
War and Justice
‘I don't think I am a murderer. I don't think I was a murderer. I am not a murderer’ - Al Blackman
In 2013 Sgt al Blackman became the first British soldier to be found guilty of murder on the foreign battlefield since World War Two.
But what’s the truth about one of the most controversial events in the twenty year War on Terror?
Murder in a Small Town
Murder in a Small Town examines the case against Luke Mitchell who in 2003, then aged 14 years old, was accused and found guilty of killing his girlfriend, schoolgirl Jodi Jones.
Darren McGarvey’s Class Wars
In ‘Darren McGarvey’s Class Wars’ the activist and social commentator confronts the existence and impact of social class in Scotland today. As he makes the transitions from his working-class past to a middle class present, Darren examines issues from accentism to exam algorithms, land ownership to gang violence; race and class to zero-hour contracts.
Choose Life
This landmark documentary examines the ten-year period between 1979 and 1989 when Edinburgh faced a frightening new epidemic and was dubbed the ‘AIDS capital of Europe’. Meeting the doctors, heroin addicts, police and locals caught up in events they could barely understand, this documentary reveals how events thousands of miles away had a massive impact on Scotland’s capital.
Screen Grab
All around the UK families and individuals are struggling with tech and how it dominates our lives. But is there is a way out? Presenter Claire Lim visits one family in Ayrshire who need dramatic intervention to save them from being lost to their screens.
Darren McGarvey’s Scotland
In Darren McGarvey’s Scotland, the activist and Orwell Prize winning author of "Poverty Safari" confronts the rampant rise of poverty and inequality that face one in five of us. From the drug death crisis to domestic abuse, aspiration to crime, faith to food banks, gender inequality to ill mental health, homelessness to life expectancy, Darren sets his steely gaze on what can be done to make change.
Emiment Monsters
He took an oath to “do no harm”, but left a legacy of suffering
In the 1950’s the CIA and Canada covertly funded Scottish born psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron to embark on the darkest program of psychological experimentation in modern history. Subjecting his “patients” to sensory deprivation, sensory overload, LSD injections and extreme physical and mental torture, Cameron’s techniques have since been used in 27 countries around the world.
The Country Council
Councils across Scotland are in the midst of challenging budget cuts, and with higher demand than ever for public services, the pressure on local authorities has never been greater. From education to housing, repairing the roads and emptying our bins, this series focuses on Argyll and Bute Council as it faces challenging budget cuts across the remotest areas of Scotland.
Brian Cox‘s Russia
One hundred years on from the Russian Revolution, Hollywood actor Brian Cox returns to Russia to discover the ex-pat Scots before him who changed, and were changed, by this vast, turbulent country.
The Council
Councils across the UK are facing punishing budget cuts, but with higher demand than ever for public services, the pressure on local authorities has never been greater. This series follows council staff on the frontline.
Dunblane: Our Story
“I call it the shooting, because, well...I was shot.” (Survivor)
On the 13th March, 1996 a gunman walked into a primary school in the small Scottish town of Dunblane, near Stirling, and shot dead 16 pupils and their teacher in a Primary 1 gym class. To date it is the deadliest firearms atrocity in the UK. This landmark film commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Tragedy.
Atomic Espionage
‘Atomic Espionage’ tells the story of a secret war between America, Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union during WW2 in the race to make the first atomic bomb. It is a story of a war of fear which culminated in the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing over 200,000 people. In seconds two cities were completely obliterated and our world changed forever.
Insane Fight Club II – This Time it’s Personal
Insane Fight Club is back. This year the boys are taking their unique form of entertainment to England as they stage fight nights in Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool and Newcastle. Will it bring them the wider fame and recognition they crave? And will they still be friends at the end of it?
This is Insane Fight Club II and This Time It’s Personal
Commonwealth City
For nearly five years, as the city of Glasgow prepares for the Commonwealth Games, I filmed locals in Dalmarnock, the East End community that would become centre stage during the huge sporting event. As work gets underway how will they cope with the changes and the challenges of regeneration.
Power to the Pococks
Meet the Pocock family: mum, dad, four children, 19 horses, 12 sheep, 6 dogs and two cows. They are living ‘off the grid’ in the remote Scottish Highlands. But times are a changing and a massive £600m pylon line is being built right beside and they want a bit of it…
The first time I filmed Bradley Noon he was 12 and living in a Care. Now 18, he wants to know why all his former pals have been in prison. Was it because of they grew up in Care or something else?
My Perfect Wheelchair
Four years ago Andrew Slorance quit his job to design, manufacture and market a radical new wheelchair, spending nearly £200,000 along the way. But with the chair costing three times the average cost, will anyone buy it.
The Walking Wounded
Filmed over 8 months, “The Walking Wounded” takes an emotionally charged and uncompromising look at the experiences of young former soldiers as they adapt to civilian life.
Pride and Privilege
Glenalmond College is one of Scotland’s oldest and most prestigious Public Schools. Now for the first time in over 160 years, it has granted one state educated child a full 100% scholarship…
The Boys of Ballikinrain
For the first time in the UK cameras are allowed to film and identify children under the age of 16 and living under Care Orders in a Residential School. Filmed over 8 months.
Ladies that Launch
Featuring the Boudiche girls launching their empire!
Cold War Spies
The Cold War was a time of mistrust and suspicion. Two days stand out; the shooting down of America’s top secret U-2 spy plane and the day that the Soviets and Americans traded spies…
Fast and Furious in Fife
Crail. Quiet, quaint and by the sea. An ideal place to retire. But not any more… Every year 20,000 petrol heads come to burn rubber and race on Scotland’s only ¼ mile racetrack outside the coastal village in Fife.
Pig Story
After nine years of insomnia, I decide enough is enough. I go to meet the very things which helps me get to sleep at night - three flying pigs...