A self shooting observational documentary producer/director making engaging, thought-provoking films about real people, often filming over extended timeframes.

Emiment Monsters : Screenings

A Manual for Modern Torture

1 x 52'
1 x 89'
My Role
John Archer
Prod Co
Hopscotch Films
BBC Scotland
Creative Scotland
World Premier
Glasgow Film Festival
March 2019

Eminent Monsters hits the cinemas!

We are partnering with UN Special Rapporteur, Prof. Nils Melzer and Reprieve with a limited run of cinema events around the UK.

Michael Moore loves Eminent Monsters!

July 30th and 31st 2019 Eminent Monsters finally crossed the Pond to play at Michael Moore’s own film festival, Traverse City Film Festival. All 200 films are personally watched and chosen by the man himself. And as a guy that grew up watching and loving his films, I was in Nirvana. Mark Fallon and myself attended and were blown away by the reaction.

It’s an important film. Make sure people see it

Michael Moore on Eminent Monsters TCFF 2019

On Monday Mark Fallon and I arrived after what was a very long delayed commute. Not to count the hours, it took 26 hours from my side.

On Tuesday morning we started with our radio interview on the Christal Frost show on WTCM Talk Radio 580.

Christal was so taken with the film that she devoted 45 mins to discussing it. I’d admit that jet lag made me loose my place many times throughout the interview.

Audio only


We were then given a tour of the town and outlying area by our driver / volunteer Bryn Lynch, followed by the Opening Night Party where Mark and I spoke to many folk about our screening.

On Wednesday Mark and I saw a couple of films, followed by our first screening of Eminent Monsters and Q&A. On the walk up I noticed this which absolutely gobsmacked the kid in me. I’ve never had my name above a cinema before.

Things went really well. The audience were really engaged, fun and asked lots of good questions. One local stood up and told us that the film had literally changed his mind about what had been going on. This was moderated by General Consul of the US (ret.) Jack D Segal

On Thursday Mark and I started the day by recording an interview for the festival's you tube channel.

We then had our SOLD OUT screening at Midday. This was moderated by Michael Moore’s producer, Carl Deal.

We also met our sponsors, Jane and Rob Becker who had partly financed our screening. Personally I found this screening more emotional as Mark and I could hear audible reactions from the audiences throughout the showing.

The most profound was near the end when Mohamedou is released without charge after 14 years incarceration - the effect was palpable.

Both Q&A’s were extended, but having Mark there added a huge amount for the audience who fired one question after another in bid to understand what had happened.

We then rounded up our trip nicely with a book signing at Brilliant Books with Mark’s brilliant ‘Unjustifiable Means’. Mark’s book was the top selling book that week.

All in all, we had an amazingly productive three days. And finally Eminent Monsters has landed in the USA. Thanks to Steven Reisner for making this happen.

June 5th 2019

To mark the 40th anniversary of the Celtic Media Festival we were given the honour of being the Opening Night film. This was a fantastic night, with all our backers and funders attending.